Sunday, April 21, 2013

Haven't written in awhile...sorry

Well, I ran 80miles last month, so I proclaimed on Facebook that "April is my 100mile month!!". However, with some nasty weather early in the month, and leaving to Florida next Friday for 4 days, I still may get close but probably not achieve that goal. So far I'm at 57.5miles.....I can make up some miles next week, but......we'll see.
Decided I was going to do a Triathlon, so the Kokopelli Tri is in September. Swimming will be the main thing..... April for those who do not know is Autism awareness month. The video below shows just how with it and smart Autistic kids really are.......

So, I was running today, and I must've looked like heck, cause a guy pulled over to make sure I was OK....really nice of him to do so. I, of course, was fine. Ya know, most people don't care anymore about others, and it was just nice to see a fellow human being, care enough about a stranger.... I, unlike others, have been blessed like that in Mesquite. I still get waves and fist bumps while running, from happy go lucky people, I don't even know!!

If you're one of the few folks that still don't least walk, it's still good for you, won't hurt your joints and theres nothing better than dropping a few pounds......I have actually dropped 6in in my waist...BOOM!
Will write more soon....Peace,Love,Pray,Run....Links below....God Bless Us All.

All About Autism

This is where Ethan goes!!

Running Farther