Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Full Moon This AM....GORGEOUS!!

Went running this AM, at about 0430, was a beautiful yet chilly morning. Huge full moon in the morning sky, which lit up all the darkness around. Did about 4 miles with a mile coolwalk....thats cool down walk....thusly coolwalk. People ask me all the time about how to train for the " Tough Mudder ". I tell them, and any of you who might be interested, that you need the proper mind set first. Determination will be the biggest part of it. Anyone who has been in the Military understands this. Next I say running and pull ups. Lots of running to build stamina and pull ups to climb several 12-15 foot walls. If you can do even just 5 pull ups, you will do so much better than so many that can't even do one. Lastly it takes teamwork. Be in a team, train with your team, be one with them as much as possible and have the mindset that " you don't want to let them down " . That attitude is enough to make you work out like you should, instead of sitting on your butt, eating pizza and drinking sodas/beer!! Myself, I have the Snow Canyon Half Marathon this weekend. Early November in Southern Utah is a fine time for a run. Should be nice weather.It's a race but, I'm not really racing as much as just going at my own pace and maybe someday in the future, after doing a handful of events, I'll see about actually caring about my times. I feel thinner, yet haven't lost anything lately, but will work harder next week.I have a very lofty goal, namely 205lbs. I haven't weighed that since 1994, and I must say, I looked great back then. We'll see. Goodnight and happy running!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Vegas Adventures!!

Hi everyone....So, I went to Las Vegas to visit Thane and Dana who were having friends over for dinner. I also had an appointment with " V-Rod ", Victor Rodriguez, a tattoo artist at Executive Tattoo, who did this marvelous tattoo for me. It's the logo for Tough Mudder with the date I completed the event and the age I am when I completed it. It truly was the toughest thing I ever accomplished, so there is truly alot of meaning to this for me. I also went running this AM.....What was going to be a little 2mi run turned into a semi-adventure.lol....I got a little lost in the Green Valley area and after running 2mis,I noticed I didn't know where I was.So, I called Thane.....He's kinda the " Mister fixit of everything".....but he didn't answer. Called 3 times, and no answer. So I just kept walking......about a mile, before I realized that I do in fact have GPS on my phone...DUH!!! Needless to say, I found my way back to his house.lol

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Introduction to me....The Fat Runner!!

Hi, My name is Giovanni and I am naming this blog " Fat Runner ". I do view myself as a runner now, and yes....I am fat ( though not as fat as I once was ). I always had off and on weight issues, by which I mean from the time I was 20 to the time I was 45 I fluctuated anywhere from 190's to 240's. I'm about 6'2" with a large frame, so I still looked pretty good in my 240's. Then came my last divorce in 2008 That's when beer and food started to take a larger presence in my life...long story short....by 2012 I was 295 with an assortment of ailments that comes along with being that size and being 50yrs old, I couldn't just drop the weight like I once was able too. I wound up in the hospital with a heart issue.....had a Heart cath in April 2012. When that heart cath showed no damage to my heart, I decided to change my life. I quit drinking beer, simply because when I get a few beers in me....I eat...ALOT! I then started a sensible diet, started a Crossfit program and then started to run. I used to HATE running....HATED IT!! I always associated it with punishment. My High School coaches would punish us with running. I knew though, there was no way to lose weight and increase stamina and gain general fitness without running as part of my fitness plan. So I sucked it up and began running. In the beginning, it was tough! I would "trick" myself, by running to 2 light poles and walking to 1 light pole. Tricking myself to actually run and not just walk, a good distance. After a 2 weeks of this, it all became easier....I could run a mile without stopping....then 2 miles....and after 2 weeks of 2 miles 3 times a week, I did my first 5 miles ever....and something funny happened....I ENJOYED IT! I couldn't believe it. Something I hated to do, was now something that I couldn't live without.When I run, I work out all/any issues of the day....personal ones....global economy....wars.....China...climate issues... I think clearly...at least whilst I'm running! This blog was born this morning after a 4 mile jaunt!! Since my Heart Cath in April I have done the following: New Harmony Mud Run....I run between 15-20 per week now....I did the Las Vegas Tough Mudder, a 12 mile cross country course with 25 military style obstacles....I am currently signed up for the Snow Canyon Half Marathon and the Mesquite Half Marathon.
I have to thank the people who push me and inspire me.....Thank you Dr. Empey for taking care of me and making me do the Tough Mudder....Thank you Jake, for being my personal escort during the event....Thank you Shelby, my lovely work wife who always beams her rainbow of optimism on me, and little Ethan Mendenhall, an 8yr old boy, who battles cancer with nary a complaint. I push through tough runs, when I think of you Ethan!!
                              I will be adding to this blog on a regular basis and oh, by the way, I weigh like 250...so yeah, I'm still a Fat Runner.