Sunday, October 28, 2012

Vegas Adventures!!

Hi everyone....So, I went to Las Vegas to visit Thane and Dana who were having friends over for dinner. I also had an appointment with " V-Rod ", Victor Rodriguez, a tattoo artist at Executive Tattoo, who did this marvelous tattoo for me. It's the logo for Tough Mudder with the date I completed the event and the age I am when I completed it. It truly was the toughest thing I ever accomplished, so there is truly alot of meaning to this for me. I also went running this AM.....What was going to be a little 2mi run turned into a got a little lost in the Green Valley area and after running 2mis,I noticed I didn't know where I was.So, I called Thane.....He's kinda the " Mister fixit of everything".....but he didn't answer. Called 3 times, and no answer. So I just kept walking......about a mile, before I realized that I do in fact have GPS on my phone...DUH!!! Needless to say, I found my way back to his

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