Sunday, December 30, 2012

" I think I see you doing more biking"......

......was what I remember while I was in the Recovery Room. It was all a bit hazy, but Dr.Scott Parry was explaining to me what he found/did during my Knee Scope. If you notice the pic, you'll see a "Bald Spot", which is where cartilage has worn away. My "Bald Spot" is about twice the size of this pic, which is why Dr.Parry told me that, "yes,you can still run Gio, but I see you doing more biking than running". Thing about hurts my butt! and then I don't get the same " feeling " I do when I run. I'm thinking maybe just mix it up a bit.More flat surfaces and less hills....more dirt trails less pavement... 5&10k's instead of half Marathons....and work in a bike ride I guess. Other than that all is well, this is day 3 post-op and knee feels fine. My thigh hurts and is tight where they placed the tourniquet. Here's to all of you, wish you all good, fun,runs and an injury free 2013.

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