Monday, October 7, 2013

Goodbye September, Hello October.........

Ethan's Team Tat!!
First off, I'd like to congratulate Mary,Tiffany, Chrissy, Jeremy,Skylar and all the others from our neck of the woods, who participated in the St. George Marathon. Proud of each and every one of you, and the dedication it took to just even get to that point. Bravo!!!  I also have to shout out at my Brother in Law, Rick Nelson from St.George, you're awesome Rick!!!!
September was a good run month personally for me. I ran 146 total miles for that month and that has inspired me to run even more!! LOL
All three of them!!!

I'm getting there!!

I finally pulled the trigger and go tmy "Ethan's Team" tattoo.....having to go back and get some more work done on it. This little boy, is nothing less than a stalwart warrior, having to have done battle, every single day of his innocent life, to defeat Cancer! I know, I am not the only one in this community, that uses his daily strife, to admonish myself to be better....when I'm tired, I think of E and push through it....when I complain about pain, I think of him, and it's gone.......when I think my life is crappy, I realize what he goes through and stop my whining. He is my little inspiration to do whatever I need to do....simply because he may not be able too! I am lucky....and I am even luckier to know that sweet boy and his Family!!

So.....Rand Bracken came to me and said he wants a team for a Trail Ragnar.....I of course am in!! Not sure what we're calling ourselves....Bracken Express.....Running Carrots......but anywho, the event we want to do is in Zion in April. Should be a lot of fun!!

To all my friends out there, I want to thank you for all you love and encouragement, and I hope one day, I can repay the favor!! As always links below.........Remember to run!!

Running Trails, Fast or Slow.....Beautiful!!

Cancer BLOWS!!!

No More Rocks!

Nature Pics!!

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