Saturday, August 31, 2013

All Races on Hold.....Tough Mudder in November!!!

So, it's been a very productive month for me, fitness wise....I've run 90 miles, lost a few more pounds ( 222 ) and body fat  percent is down ( 20.5 ), changed my lifting routine to be less bulking and more cardio/toning. I had planned to do a few races this fall....Cedar City Half, Gold Butte Half......and a Skydiving thing in September, but then Jake texted me......Super fit, Marine, Jake Hunter ( Whom Shelby is the proud child bearer of ) is putting together a Tough Mudder team for the November 9th-10th event in San Diego and wants Uncle Gio to do it with him!!! What could I say....OORAH!!! So, everything else I was going to do is officially on hold do to Tough Mudder training. This is actually going to force me to run with Terri and the gang doing trails, since the course is 12 miles cross country, and I suck at that......I'm a pavement pounder, and a  "Lone Wolf " runner! Of course this is also a public call out to Rand, who I know is yearning to do this event......and it'd be nice if my friend and personal Physician Assistant / Sports Photographer, Jeromy Mendenhall, would tag along, take pics, have fun and keep my ass out of trouble!!!  If you couldn't tell, I'm terribly excited about it......It was and probably will be the hardest event I've ever done or will do. Period!
I'm 60 lighter and in much better physical shape than the last Tough Mudder I did, so I'm hoping for a better performance on my part. There are 25 military obstacles through 10-12 miles of cross country terrain and it's mentally and physically tough....and when it's over, that beer at the end, is like the best thing you ever had in your life!!!
There are people I need to thank, for their good works, love and support......Dr. Empey, for motivating me and being my Internal Med Doc, Ur the best buddy!.......Dr. Scott Parry, fixing my knee and taking my abuse in the O.R. for 16 years!! very good friend, and fixer of all my ailments, can't wait for our next fight! LOL.....The Thane Hafen.....the Vault.....has my back, no matter what.....been through a life of stuff together.....and my Daughter, Sydney, truly the only woman who has ever loved me despite all the shenanigans that have gone on in our Family. Love U.....As always, links below. God Bless!!
Tough Mudder.....Watch the Vid
Trail Runner

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