Sunday, August 4, 2013

Belated Blog for July, as well as stuff for August.......

Hello my friends. First off I apologize for no blog in July, but it was a busy month for me. Started off on the 4th with the Mesquite Firecracker 4 Mile run. Terri and Gary, did a great job putting that event on. I ran pretty fast in that little event for most of it. I got a little lonely, so I waited for my buddy Sean, who was huffing and puffing his way on the trail. Made sure he crossed over before me.....That's friendship baby!! I made gains and losses in July with Bodybuilding....Yes, I am doing it in earnest!! I'm down to 225lbs, lost 2% in body fat and I'm back to being strong like a bull!! I am projected to be 190lbs, 10% body fat by the end of December. Then I'll make a decision where I am and what's next. ultimately, my goal is to do least 1, amateur contest. I have a crazy workout schedule of about 6 days a week in the gym plus I do what I lovingly refer to as " 5 at 5's"....5 mile runs at 5 am, Mon-Thurs.
The month of July was a big running month for me. I broke the 100 mile mark for the month and I did it on my Birthday, the 31st!! As Gary put it so eloquently, I am no longer a " Two digit midget"!!!
Now, I just need to work on my speed!!!
Yesterday was the Parowan Half Marathon, and Mesquite was in the house baby!!! & people were there, and Mary and Diana burned up the course!
Funny thing is, now that I've done a few of these events, you start noticing a lot of the same racers at each event. It's nice....there's a certain familiarity that makes me comfortable. And just fyi....I didn't like, run the whole thing with my shirt off....just the last 3 mules...I couldn't take the wetness of my shirt any longer!!! Sorry.
K, any ways, the Cedar City Half  is Sept.14th, the Gold Butte Half is Oct.19th , the Snow Canyon Half is Nov.2nd and the Tri-State Marathon/Half is on Pearl Harbor Day......Lets get out there and run folks!!!
I would like to thank all my friends for there love and support in all my endeavours . And to my buddy Ethan, who I ALWAYS run for....Love U E.
As always, links to stuff are below....lets get out there and do something good folks. God bless us all!
Parowan Race Results!!!
Kids with Cancer have stories to tell....LISTEN!!
 Running.....It can save U too!!!
Just in case U wanna lift with me....

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