Saturday, June 29, 2013

Nevada is Too Hot for the Devil.......

Long story short, my race, " Running with the Devil " has been cancelled. Projected heat at Lake Mead will be OVER 120 and even the alternate site, located at an elevation of 4600ft, is to be OVER 100.On top of that, the Park Service, Forest Service and the USATF, said no and pulled the sanctions. Calico Racing is 
just going to refund the entry fee, or let you use it as credit towards another race, which works for me, since they have more races I want to do.
Well, on another note......even with all the heat we've had here in Mesquite, I've managed 55mi so far and will try to make that 60 tomorrow. I was perusing through a fitness site,which is promoting people 50 and over to, well basically, body build. Apparently, adding lean muscle mass at this point is  beneficial since it will help you maitain an active lifestyle in your latter years.....Therefore, come Monday, I plan to start that up.Mostly upper body and Abs. I run, so my legs are lean and mean...and yes, I still plan to run and race too. I just think that having gone this far....losing 60+ pounds,running and being in the gym anyways, I should bump it up a notch and see what I can do.I mean really, I can rest all I want when I'm DEAD!! Now is the time for action!!!
I'm planning on doing the ET Hwy Run Marathon/Half Marathon, Aug  17th, so if anyone is interested, the link will be below and we can go together or whatever. I'm always open to suggestions if anyone has any or advice too. May God bless you all....Links below.

1 comment:

  1. Strength training is a good idea at any age and it can have many good benefits for runners as well. Plus, muscle helps burn fat!
