Sunday, June 23, 2013

New Harmony Mud Run, and Why I wasn't there!!

So Gio's Summer of Races, hasn't started like it should've . Friday before the NH Mud Run, I had a friend come over for dinner.....opened up a few bottles of wine....and had a grand ol' time, but awoke the next morn to what felt like someone trapped in the walls of my skull , who was using sledge hammers to break out!!! Shelby, my dear friend, who I had talked into competing with me, was there, whilst I lay in pain and shame in my bed, eating NSAID's like candy, and regretting that last glass of tasty Merlot!!
 So, I still have the Running with the Devil race at Lake Mead
next Satuday......which come Hell or high water I will go!!
My buddy Rand, who just finished a 30k trail race, is lokking at other trail races we can do together, so anyone in Mesquite or STG interested in that, drop me a note and let's team up.
Anyone interested in doing the Midnight Extraterrestrial HWY race in August in Rachel,NV let me know. I wanna thank all who read these blogs, and if you have any suggestions for me, race wise, running or general, feel free to to express them.
As always, links are below.... God bless us all!!
Zombie Dash Mesquite!!!
Warrior Dash
Mesquite Needs This!!!

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