Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Sorry, but I Have to Get This Off My Chest!!!!!

First off, I'd like to say that I not only went over 95 miles last month, but the 5 miles I did today put me over 500 miles since I started this wholeheartedly last May!! K, if I offend anyone, I apologize.....but.....
Walmart is my favorite store PERIOD!! However, getting through the morass of super obese people in the Walmart scooters, is a daunting and joy killing process!! I have been to Walmart, 3 times last week, and I noticed that, the majority of people using the scooters are not your, aged and infirmed, disabled people but rather the 40 to 55 year old people, who have given up on life, and seemingly have eaten there way to the 100lbs plus club!!
Not only are they jamming up the aisles with those dang scooters but, they can claim there self made obesity as a disability and receive both State and Federal aid for this. Here's my issue...... a self made disability should not be rewarded and enabled with sympathy and monetary gains. Help them, yes.....pay them, and say "it's OK, you don't have to change, we'll change everything for you" is BULLCRAP!! In my, small mind, a real disability is like...... a 9yo boy battling neuroblastoma for half of his life.......it's a woman who crossed the street and got paralyzed when a car struck her...... it's a sweet 20yo man child, born into Autism, that will never escape it.....THOSE are disabilities that need and deserve all the support
this country can give. My weight has fluctuated my entire life...I know how hard it is to battle food
desires, but that doesn't mean I quit or that the
tax payers of this country, should foot the bill for
me because of my impulses.....I mean, where
would we be if that happened in our countries past?
GET UP!!! walk...have some cake, not the whole cake....eat some fruit, heck, over eat on fruit instead
of cheeseburgers and fries....turn the telly off, put music on and dance....ANYTHING is better that what they're doing. Obesity causes:
  • Heart disease and stroke.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Diabetes.
  • Cancer.
  • Gallbladder disease and gallstones.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Gout.
  • Breathing problems, such as sleep apnea (when a person stops breathing for a short episodes during sleep) and asthma.

 If you have a loved one, or if this is you and I've offended you, I am sorry, but it's time to change.
Change is very hard to do, but very necessary for all of us for one thing or another and frankly, it's action of doing something that difficult, that will give  you blessings, more than what you could wish for.
As always....links are below. May God bless us all with the strength we need to do what we must!!

Change is Hard
Champion of Obesity!!
Obesity Cancer Risk!!!
Run that Fat OFF

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