Sunday, December 30, 2012

Fat Runner: " I think I see you doing more biking"......

Fat Runner: " I think I see you doing more biking"......: ......was what I remember while I was in the Recovery Room. It was all a bit hazy, but Dr.Scott Parry was explaining to me what he found/d...

" I think I see you doing more biking"......

......was what I remember while I was in the Recovery Room. It was all a bit hazy, but Dr.Scott Parry was explaining to me what he found/did during my Knee Scope. If you notice the pic, you'll see a "Bald Spot", which is where cartilage has worn away. My "Bald Spot" is about twice the size of this pic, which is why Dr.Parry told me that, "yes,you can still run Gio, but I see you doing more biking than running". Thing about hurts my butt! and then I don't get the same " feeling " I do when I run. I'm thinking maybe just mix it up a bit.More flat surfaces and less hills....more dirt trails less pavement... 5&10k's instead of half Marathons....and work in a bike ride I guess. Other than that all is well, this is day 3 post-op and knee feels fine. My thigh hurts and is tight where they placed the tourniquet. Here's to all of you, wish you all good, fun,runs and an injury free 2013.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Runners Purgatory.....THAT'S WHERE I'M AT !!!

So, I finally got my big butt off the couch. I've been a little blue about my inability to run, which has made it easy to sit on the couch with my knee up, hypnotically staring at the television, exercising nothing other than my right arm, which keeps putting food into my mouth, much like a conveyor belt,feeding coal into a Power Plant! Thoroughly disgusted with myself, I peeled myself from the couch long enough to take a nice walk. It's a cool,moist day, with snow in the mountains and the smell of creosote and sage in the air. I walked through the nearby hills, and found myself enjoying it thoroughly! I have to give credit to Terri Rylander. I watched her YouTube of a run in the snow up in Elbow Canyon, which made me yearn to be outside.I'm just kinda waiting for my surgery ( Dec 27th,with Scott Parry ) to be done, so I can get on with recovery. Till then, It'll be walks, and hopefully a little work out here and there. Here are a couple of links that may inspire you. I also want to give a shout out to my little buddy Ethan Mendenhall. Ethan has neuroblastoma and flew out to NYC to get hi scans done, and find out if he's clear or not. I love you buddy. At 8 years old, he's braver than most of us.May God bless him and his family. Gio

 Terri's Snow Run in Elbow Canyon

Disabled guy loses 140lbs and gets in shape. Remarkable!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

K, it's official....Knee Scope Time!!!

Well, the results of my MRI are in and it's officially....KNEE SCOPE TIME!!  December 28th is the date I'm having it done. I'm looking forward to getting it done and over with so I can start back running again. I really must say....I miss my runs! Much, much more than I would've thought. I also have it in my head that come January 19th, I'll be doing the St.George Half and although it's possible, I've been told it's not probable. I guess the key will be how fast I can recover after the surgery. The surgical plan is to remove the frayed areas of the meniscus and deal with whatever else is causing my effusion...fluid on my knee. I suppose now is the time to focus on non-running exercises, that I have been lax on, get through this little hurdle, and get back to running.....maybe biking and swimming would be good too. As always, there are links below and don't forget to subscribe