Sunday, January 27, 2013

Next Week Started Today!!!

It was such a beautiful day outside that  I wasn't gonna wait till next week to run So, bumped it up a bit.....3 mile run with a mile walk home. I even started to improve my time, which was awesome!! Pretty soon I wont need to wear that " Forrest Gump" brace on my left knee, but probably still will, just for good juju. I'm visiting a friend in Florida next month and there is a 5k race near by, so I figure I should do it.....first little race since surgery. I'm excited.We'll see how it goes. Gotta start back somewhere, I mean I'm still planning on the San Diego Tough Mudder event this November, and want to do a few other events this year, so next month in Florida is a good start back.Links below and love to all!

Yes, Mesquite has a running club!!
Yes it's tough...It's supposed to be!!!
My Doc wants me to do this...Triathalon!!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hot Damn, Two 2mile runs this week...

I know it don't sound like much, but it felt great to finally get out and give my knee a couple of test runs. Did 2 miles a couple of days ago and just finished 2 miles today.....couple that with 1/2 mile walks and thats 5miles for the week....OMG, it's ain't much but, I think I can bump it up to 3 miles a pop next week. Just feels good to jog and get that air flowing through me again.The most painful part of it all is walking up 2 flights of steps to my condo!!! I fricken have to " One Step" up the stairs, like a lil' old man!! I know it'll pass, but still sucks. Can't complain really, it can always be worse..... I'm blessed with a good job, a couple of good friends, people here are still nice to me and wave when I'm running, and my body, seems to always bounce back......forgiving me of how I've abused it, in oh so many ways. Life really is good my friends!!. A shout out to my inspiration Ethan, winning his fight in so many ways!!  As always, some links below and till next time, may God bless every one of us with good health, good friends, and fast feet!

How to Train in the Rain
Fight Cancer!!
Run Smart!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Slow Start,But A Good Start!!

Well, most of you may not of heard, but on top of my meniscal tear and "Bald Spot" on my knee, my MCL (medial collateral ligament) got injured during the's a common enough result, when you basically have to crank a leg unnaturally to open the joint space....that is a 2-3mos heal time on that injury!! However, with my new trusty brace on, I ventured into the gym today and did 20mins briskly walking on the Treadmill. That being conquered, I challenged myself to go to the Elliptical machine for which I completed 30mins! It doesn't sound like much, and it really wouldn't be if I were at 90-100%, but alas, I am not....maybe about 65% if I'm lucky. Felt great to do it though. I mean, I'm sitting at home now, with ice wrapped tight on my knee,  with both Tylenol #3 and Naprosyn coursing through my system to combat the pain after my workout, but the sense of well being during exercise, is worth it all! I'm planning on just the low impact stuff the next month, with the hope of starting back to the street in March.To all of you who read this friends who have taking care of me, encouraged me, and support me and my fitness endeavours....Thank You!!
On a side note, my sweet,surrogate Nephew Ethan, is still clear, healthy and awesome.Love that boy!