Sunday, January 20, 2013

Slow Start,But A Good Start!!

Well, most of you may not of heard, but on top of my meniscal tear and "Bald Spot" on my knee, my MCL (medial collateral ligament) got injured during the's a common enough result, when you basically have to crank a leg unnaturally to open the joint space....that is a 2-3mos heal time on that injury!! However, with my new trusty brace on, I ventured into the gym today and did 20mins briskly walking on the Treadmill. That being conquered, I challenged myself to go to the Elliptical machine for which I completed 30mins! It doesn't sound like much, and it really wouldn't be if I were at 90-100%, but alas, I am not....maybe about 65% if I'm lucky. Felt great to do it though. I mean, I'm sitting at home now, with ice wrapped tight on my knee,  with both Tylenol #3 and Naprosyn coursing through my system to combat the pain after my workout, but the sense of well being during exercise, is worth it all! I'm planning on just the low impact stuff the next month, with the hope of starting back to the street in March.To all of you who read this friends who have taking care of me, encouraged me, and support me and my fitness endeavours....Thank You!!
On a side note, my sweet,surrogate Nephew Ethan, is still clear, healthy and awesome.Love that boy!

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