Friday, May 24, 2013

Memorial Weekend in Florida.......

Happy Friday everyone!! Hope all is well for all of you.It's the start of Memorial Day weekend, to which we all owe a debt of gratitude to the men and women who have served valiantly in the United States Armed Forces....all of them....Past and present. If you know of any either as friends or in your Family, reach out and give them the thanks they so richly deserve!! I give thanks to my Daughter who served in the Army 1st Cavarly, my Nephew Lt. Mike Hafen US Army, back from Afghanistan, Jake Hunter, USMC, not to mention my Father who flew in WW2 Army Air Corps and many others who I am grateful to have met and know. THANK YOU!!
I'm in Florida this weekend and went for a run that turned into an 8.5mi jaunt....was a gorgeous morning, and 90% humidity, which really didn't bother me much. That's a total of 72mi so far this month,with 7days left!
We'll see how many more I can bag before the end.
Since signing up for my first ever Triathlon, in September, I've been swimming like crazy!!! I'm not a very good swimmer, but I'm in the pool almost daily to do laps. I'm doing a Breast stroke, which is what I'm comfortable with.....freestyle, I'm sure is better and faster, however I've never been real comfortable with it.
I'm finding that....1. I need lots of work swimming.......2. My whole shoulder girdle area is constantly sore from the incredible workout it is receiving ( it's a good thing )....3. A half mile of swimming equals the energy output of a 10 mile run!! No lie!! 20 laps in my pool equal ONLY 0.07miles....less than a tenth, and it's hard and tiring.

In case of any drowning issues, I' will have my important papers laid out for my Slumlord, Sean, to go through!! Just in case!!
I would like to give love to a few know Uncle Gio loves you man!! Praying for good scan results!!

 To my very old friend Jeffery, who with his bad knees but cheerful disposition, still does trail running and karate. He turns 53 on Memorial Day.... Love you!

As always links below, may God bless us all, and hug a Vet this weekend!!

Volunteer for a Vet
Help Your Kid Stay Fit
Childhood Cancer Sucks!!!
Remember the Presidents Fitness Test when you were young!!

Saturday, May 18, 2013


 Good morning my friends, it's another day we're all lucky to have!! 
First off, I'd like to say " Happy Birthday" to Ethan, the sweetest, bravest 9yo boy I know, whose spirit and strength I wish I had. Love you buddy!!

We've had a few hot days here in Mesquite, which I have had the pleasure to run in!! Little advice, when running in the mid-day sun, of the Mojave Desert......HYDRATE first and wear sunscreen!!! It's doable, but brutal if you don't and my legs cramped for days before I got caught up with hydration.

I actually did a group run Wednesday morning with my coworkers....Rachel,Shelby and Rand. It's something that was started last year when we were all training for the Tough Mudder. Ran smoothly.....and Rand was smoking fast!! If anyone wants to do this with us, we're doing it every Wednesday at 5am, starting at Mesa View Hospital....please come along.

Also,Me and a few folks have entered a few races.....The New Harmony Mud Run is one of those. Saturday, June 22nd is when it's happening. Beautiful place and they have a 5k & 10k.
 Did this last year with Sean and Shelby and a few others.
Obstacles aren't bad....really a fun run, except the sandy creek bottom!!

On the list is the Kokopelli Triathlon in September. I'm all paid up, so it's training time.....Mostly for swimming!! I do a helluva
Otter float....not too mention my modified Dog paddle/Breast stroke!! 
From now till September, I'll be in a pool at least 3 times a week learning how NOT to drown!!The swim portion is only a half mile, however, when your not a strong swimmer, it might as well be 10 miles!! Maybe some cool dolphin floaties are in order!

Due to some unforeseen issues, I have switched gyms.....from the Rec Center to Anytime Fitness, where my buddy Rick Whittington, is back at the helm running the show. Great guy, been in the fitness biz forever, and just an honest, over all good guy. Happy to be back.

Lastly, I just want to say how running, has saved my life and how it has become a spiritual event for me.I am grateful to all who have rooted for me...helped me....lifted me when I was down....and have been true friends to me. You know who you are....Thank you!

As always....Thanks be to God for his love
and grace. As always links below, and 
may God bless you!

Anytime Fitness
American Cancer Society
New Harmony Mud Run
Kokopelli Tri

Monday, May 6, 2013

Spring in Mesquite.......A Fine Time for Running!!!

Desert Willows on trail

 Springtime in Mesquite is a short lived, but beautiful time of year. Everything's blossoming, and the weather is perfect!! I especially love running the trail system in town, which I use running to the Rec Center. It makes a 4.5 mile loop from my house, down the river, through neighborhoods and parks both to and from the Rec Center, without having to worry too much about cars.

So.....This morning I finally did it.....I sent in my $20 to oficcially join my buddies....Mesquitos on the Run!! Now, if I can just make it to a Pizza Hut meeting, or a They're a fine group of people, of which I need to become more a part of.

Finally, I'd like to thank those who have helped me over the past year with my fitness....obviously, God has helped me quite a bit....but love and support of my friends....Jeremy, Dr.Empey, my co-workers.....all have been great to me. Last but never least, my Floridian, who has helped me greatly, by keeping me motivated through having a competitive nature, being my biggest fan, and continual, daily, smartass comments that supercharge, the fitness desire in my soul!!
Truly, since February, I have lost 8in in my waist, and a total of 10in since last April!....and I'm not done yet!!!
Sean and I both are going to be doing the Kokopelli Tri (sprint) in Sept, and I'm hoping to get a race or 2 in before that.

It is my hope, that, I have been an example of weight loss and fitness that anyone out there needs. Please know, that if I can do it...YOU CAN TOO!! Of course a little help from God, and encouragement from friends help too. Thank you to both!! Links below....Give if you can. Love
Families Dealing with Cancer
I Love Ethan Mendenhall