Monday, May 6, 2013

Spring in Mesquite.......A Fine Time for Running!!!

Desert Willows on trail

 Springtime in Mesquite is a short lived, but beautiful time of year. Everything's blossoming, and the weather is perfect!! I especially love running the trail system in town, which I use running to the Rec Center. It makes a 4.5 mile loop from my house, down the river, through neighborhoods and parks both to and from the Rec Center, without having to worry too much about cars.

So.....This morning I finally did it.....I sent in my $20 to oficcially join my buddies....Mesquitos on the Run!! Now, if I can just make it to a Pizza Hut meeting, or a They're a fine group of people, of which I need to become more a part of.

Finally, I'd like to thank those who have helped me over the past year with my fitness....obviously, God has helped me quite a bit....but love and support of my friends....Jeremy, Dr.Empey, my co-workers.....all have been great to me. Last but never least, my Floridian, who has helped me greatly, by keeping me motivated through having a competitive nature, being my biggest fan, and continual, daily, smartass comments that supercharge, the fitness desire in my soul!!
Truly, since February, I have lost 8in in my waist, and a total of 10in since last April!....and I'm not done yet!!!
Sean and I both are going to be doing the Kokopelli Tri (sprint) in Sept, and I'm hoping to get a race or 2 in before that.

It is my hope, that, I have been an example of weight loss and fitness that anyone out there needs. Please know, that if I can do it...YOU CAN TOO!! Of course a little help from God, and encouragement from friends help too. Thank you to both!! Links below....Give if you can. Love
Families Dealing with Cancer
I Love Ethan Mendenhall


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