Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday Run

What a beautiful day that God the almighty has given today!! Without any of the normal pains I usually have, and love in my heart on this Easter Sunday, the little 6mi jaunt I did went ever so quick for me!!

Sometimes when I'm running, I just have to stop and thank the Lord for the ability to run.....walk.....stand.....breath!!
It was a lifetime ago, but there was a time where I was bed in my living room....having to have assistance to shower....learn how to walk again......It was all taken away from me, for just brief moment in time. When I run, I remember this, and stop and pray to him I owe all to!!  I thank him for all my friendships....the people I love here in beautiful Daughter who's given me beautiful Grand Floridian who I am in love with,....and the opportunity to be a whole, and better man. Thank you God.
I also have decided to train for a triathlon....I call out now to my Mesquito friends, for anyone to find one and lets all do it...or if anyone can help me, specifically with swimming, I'd appreciate it.My friend Randy Rynearson, 56yrs, is doing the STG mini Ironman, and he is a true insipration to me!! Anyone interested or have training ideas, let me know. May God bless you all on this most holy day.

Beginner Triathlete
Relay for Life
The Bible on History Channel

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