Sunday, March 3, 2013

It's Been Awhile.......

........But I'm running again!! It's taken awhile for my knee to settle down, but it finally seems to have done so. This past week, I have run to and from work 3 times with a total mileage for the week at 14+.
I still have a healthy dose of reality, concerning my knee, so I'm planning on those little runs for the next week, evaluate it, and increase to 4 times a week if I can. Over doing it will just aggravate it, so.....
....It's been beautiful this past week, we should all take advantage of it.....enjoy a little run.....if you can't run, walk...just get out there and enjoy these beautiful days provided to us by God. I would also like to offer my thoughts and prayers to my buddy Ethan, who has relapsed, but in his usual fashion, doesn't whine, feel sorry for himself, and just fights it!! Truly a wonderful boy, who deserves so much more, than most of us!! As always, links are below, and have a great day my friends!!       
Goals......Get some!!!!

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