Wednesday, November 21, 2012

No Pain, No Gain.....

Well, haven't really been able to run this week as I have planned. I've been having some left knee pain, which I expected, after the Mesquite Half. I've been eating NSAID's like candy and icing at least twice a day. It's now Wednesday  morning, and it's just now starting to feel better. I run with a small tear in my posterior meniscus anyway, so to just see what's up for sure, I'll be getting a MRI of my knee, just to get an idea of where I stand with that. At this point Friday or Saturday is when I'll start back up running, since I have the St.George Half coming up Jan 19th. Should be enough time to sort it all out. I hope all have a happy Thanksgiving and as usual, I have some links for ya!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha at first from far away I thought you posted a naked pict of some sideways boobs on an ethiopian.....but alas I looked closer....cartilage or no cartilage the results are the same - no pain no gain.....

    p.s. I have plantar faciitus so bad I cant walk so we both gotta suck it up
