Saturday, November 24, 2012

Well, it ain't looking so good.......

So, I don't get my MRI till sometime next week, but it's looking like a knee scope is in order.Jeromy and Dr.Seip seem to think that it's a tear of the posterior-medial meniscus and that a simple debridement is in order.. If so, I'll probably have it done by the end of December, and be back running by mid January? At this point I'm icing it down 3 times a day still. The action of just walking aggravates my knee. So, I guess that means push ups, sit ups and other exercise instead of running....for now. I'm still planning on St.George Half on Jan 19th, even if I gotta crawl it!! Looking at doing the Spartan next June with Dr.Empey and Shelby, and of course the Tough Mudder in San Diego next November. Anyone want to do those events, let me know. Have a great weekend and run safe friends!

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