Monday, October 7, 2013

Goodbye September, Hello October.........

Ethan's Team Tat!!
First off, I'd like to congratulate Mary,Tiffany, Chrissy, Jeremy,Skylar and all the others from our neck of the woods, who participated in the St. George Marathon. Proud of each and every one of you, and the dedication it took to just even get to that point. Bravo!!!  I also have to shout out at my Brother in Law, Rick Nelson from St.George, you're awesome Rick!!!!
September was a good run month personally for me. I ran 146 total miles for that month and that has inspired me to run even more!! LOL
All three of them!!!

I'm getting there!!

I finally pulled the trigger and go tmy "Ethan's Team" tattoo.....having to go back and get some more work done on it. This little boy, is nothing less than a stalwart warrior, having to have done battle, every single day of his innocent life, to defeat Cancer! I know, I am not the only one in this community, that uses his daily strife, to admonish myself to be better....when I'm tired, I think of E and push through it....when I complain about pain, I think of him, and it's gone.......when I think my life is crappy, I realize what he goes through and stop my whining. He is my little inspiration to do whatever I need to do....simply because he may not be able too! I am lucky....and I am even luckier to know that sweet boy and his Family!!

So.....Rand Bracken came to me and said he wants a team for a Trail Ragnar.....I of course am in!! Not sure what we're calling ourselves....Bracken Express.....Running Carrots......but anywho, the event we want to do is in Zion in April. Should be a lot of fun!!

To all my friends out there, I want to thank you for all you love and encouragement, and I hope one day, I can repay the favor!! As always links below.........Remember to run!!

Running Trails, Fast or Slow.....Beautiful!!

Cancer BLOWS!!!

No More Rocks!

Nature Pics!!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

All Races on Hold.....Tough Mudder in November!!!

So, it's been a very productive month for me, fitness wise....I've run 90 miles, lost a few more pounds ( 222 ) and body fat  percent is down ( 20.5 ), changed my lifting routine to be less bulking and more cardio/toning. I had planned to do a few races this fall....Cedar City Half, Gold Butte Half......and a Skydiving thing in September, but then Jake texted me......Super fit, Marine, Jake Hunter ( Whom Shelby is the proud child bearer of ) is putting together a Tough Mudder team for the November 9th-10th event in San Diego and wants Uncle Gio to do it with him!!! What could I say....OORAH!!! So, everything else I was going to do is officially on hold do to Tough Mudder training. This is actually going to force me to run with Terri and the gang doing trails, since the course is 12 miles cross country, and I suck at that......I'm a pavement pounder, and a  "Lone Wolf " runner! Of course this is also a public call out to Rand, who I know is yearning to do this event......and it'd be nice if my friend and personal Physician Assistant / Sports Photographer, Jeromy Mendenhall, would tag along, take pics, have fun and keep my ass out of trouble!!!  If you couldn't tell, I'm terribly excited about it......It was and probably will be the hardest event I've ever done or will do. Period!
I'm 60 lighter and in much better physical shape than the last Tough Mudder I did, so I'm hoping for a better performance on my part. There are 25 military obstacles through 10-12 miles of cross country terrain and it's mentally and physically tough....and when it's over, that beer at the end, is like the best thing you ever had in your life!!!
There are people I need to thank, for their good works, love and support......Dr. Empey, for motivating me and being my Internal Med Doc, Ur the best buddy!.......Dr. Scott Parry, fixing my knee and taking my abuse in the O.R. for 16 years!! very good friend, and fixer of all my ailments, can't wait for our next fight! LOL.....The Thane Hafen.....the Vault.....has my back, no matter what.....been through a life of stuff together.....and my Daughter, Sydney, truly the only woman who has ever loved me despite all the shenanigans that have gone on in our Family. Love U.....As always, links below. God Bless!!
Tough Mudder.....Watch the Vid
Trail Runner

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Belated Blog for July, as well as stuff for August.......

Hello my friends. First off I apologize for no blog in July, but it was a busy month for me. Started off on the 4th with the Mesquite Firecracker 4 Mile run. Terri and Gary, did a great job putting that event on. I ran pretty fast in that little event for most of it. I got a little lonely, so I waited for my buddy Sean, who was huffing and puffing his way on the trail. Made sure he crossed over before me.....That's friendship baby!! I made gains and losses in July with Bodybuilding....Yes, I am doing it in earnest!! I'm down to 225lbs, lost 2% in body fat and I'm back to being strong like a bull!! I am projected to be 190lbs, 10% body fat by the end of December. Then I'll make a decision where I am and what's next. ultimately, my goal is to do least 1, amateur contest. I have a crazy workout schedule of about 6 days a week in the gym plus I do what I lovingly refer to as " 5 at 5's"....5 mile runs at 5 am, Mon-Thurs.
The month of July was a big running month for me. I broke the 100 mile mark for the month and I did it on my Birthday, the 31st!! As Gary put it so eloquently, I am no longer a " Two digit midget"!!!
Now, I just need to work on my speed!!!
Yesterday was the Parowan Half Marathon, and Mesquite was in the house baby!!! & people were there, and Mary and Diana burned up the course!
Funny thing is, now that I've done a few of these events, you start noticing a lot of the same racers at each event. It's nice....there's a certain familiarity that makes me comfortable. And just fyi....I didn't like, run the whole thing with my shirt off....just the last 3 mules...I couldn't take the wetness of my shirt any longer!!! Sorry.
K, any ways, the Cedar City Half  is Sept.14th, the Gold Butte Half is Oct.19th , the Snow Canyon Half is Nov.2nd and the Tri-State Marathon/Half is on Pearl Harbor Day......Lets get out there and run folks!!!
I would like to thank all my friends for there love and support in all my endeavours . And to my buddy Ethan, who I ALWAYS run for....Love U E.
As always, links to stuff are below....lets get out there and do something good folks. God bless us all!
Parowan Race Results!!!
Kids with Cancer have stories to tell....LISTEN!!
 Running.....It can save U too!!!
Just in case U wanna lift with me....

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Nevada is Too Hot for the Devil.......

Long story short, my race, " Running with the Devil " has been cancelled. Projected heat at Lake Mead will be OVER 120 and even the alternate site, located at an elevation of 4600ft, is to be OVER 100.On top of that, the Park Service, Forest Service and the USATF, said no and pulled the sanctions. Calico Racing is 
just going to refund the entry fee, or let you use it as credit towards another race, which works for me, since they have more races I want to do.
Well, on another note......even with all the heat we've had here in Mesquite, I've managed 55mi so far and will try to make that 60 tomorrow. I was perusing through a fitness site,which is promoting people 50 and over to, well basically, body build. Apparently, adding lean muscle mass at this point is  beneficial since it will help you maitain an active lifestyle in your latter years.....Therefore, come Monday, I plan to start that up.Mostly upper body and Abs. I run, so my legs are lean and mean...and yes, I still plan to run and race too. I just think that having gone this far....losing 60+ pounds,running and being in the gym anyways, I should bump it up a notch and see what I can do.I mean really, I can rest all I want when I'm DEAD!! Now is the time for action!!!
I'm planning on doing the ET Hwy Run Marathon/Half Marathon, Aug  17th, so if anyone is interested, the link will be below and we can go together or whatever. I'm always open to suggestions if anyone has any or advice too. May God bless you all....Links below.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

New Harmony Mud Run, and Why I wasn't there!!

So Gio's Summer of Races, hasn't started like it should've . Friday before the NH Mud Run, I had a friend come over for dinner.....opened up a few bottles of wine....and had a grand ol' time, but awoke the next morn to what felt like someone trapped in the walls of my skull , who was using sledge hammers to break out!!! Shelby, my dear friend, who I had talked into competing with me, was there, whilst I lay in pain and shame in my bed, eating NSAID's like candy, and regretting that last glass of tasty Merlot!!
 So, I still have the Running with the Devil race at Lake Mead
next Satuday......which come Hell or high water I will go!!
My buddy Rand, who just finished a 30k trail race, is lokking at other trail races we can do together, so anyone in Mesquite or STG interested in that, drop me a note and let's team up.
Anyone interested in doing the Midnight Extraterrestrial HWY race in August in Rachel,NV let me know. I wanna thank all who read these blogs, and if you have any suggestions for me, race wise, running or general, feel free to to express them.
As always, links are below.... God bless us all!!
Zombie Dash Mesquite!!!
Warrior Dash
Mesquite Needs This!!!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Gio's Summer of Racing!!!!!

Yes, I have made this proclamation, and am determined to have a few races per month until Autumn starts!! My running has dropped of somewhat this month, especially compared to last months total of 95mi, but it's just so bloody hot during the day, that I kinda just run in the AM on my days off, and try to do a short run that same night.I'm also doing double duty at Anytime Fitness.....3 days a week, 2 workouts....but really need to swim BAD!! Race line up is like this: June 22nd New Harmony Mud Run,10K, June 29th, Running with the Devil,10k.....this is at
 Lake Mead, where it'll be a cool,115-120 degrees...
Will do the Mesquite Firecracker 4mi on July 4th, but need to find another race that month......Sept is the Kokopelli Tri, which I will desperately trying not to drown, along with Sean and Shelby!!! At least I'll go down with my friends!! LOL.
I'm looking for anyone who wants to do the Extraterrestrial Half Marathon in Rachel,Nevada. It's a midnight run down Extraterrestrial Hwy, which we all know is near the infamous, and supposedly non existent Area 51, where we keep all the dead aliens that crashed here on Earth!! Also the place where we developed the Stealth fighters and bombers.Anyone up for it let me know.
I'd also like to give kudos to my buddy Rand Bracken, who is in the mountains of Wyoming, competing in a 30k trail race! Your awesome baby!!! I'd also like to invite any MVRH employees, or anyone else, to come out on Wednesday mornings for a run. We start at the MVRH parking lot, and take off running around 5am.
God bless and God speed to all.....Links below!

Why I Run
Love U Ethan!!
Parenting....One Tough Job!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Sorry, but I Have to Get This Off My Chest!!!!!

First off, I'd like to say that I not only went over 95 miles last month, but the 5 miles I did today put me over 500 miles since I started this wholeheartedly last May!! K, if I offend anyone, I apologize.....but.....
Walmart is my favorite store PERIOD!! However, getting through the morass of super obese people in the Walmart scooters, is a daunting and joy killing process!! I have been to Walmart, 3 times last week, and I noticed that, the majority of people using the scooters are not your, aged and infirmed, disabled people but rather the 40 to 55 year old people, who have given up on life, and seemingly have eaten there way to the 100lbs plus club!!
Not only are they jamming up the aisles with those dang scooters but, they can claim there self made obesity as a disability and receive both State and Federal aid for this. Here's my issue...... a self made disability should not be rewarded and enabled with sympathy and monetary gains. Help them, them, and say "it's OK, you don't have to change, we'll change everything for you" is BULLCRAP!! In my, small mind, a real disability is like...... a 9yo boy battling neuroblastoma for half of his's a woman who crossed the street and got paralyzed when a car struck her...... it's a sweet 20yo man child, born into Autism, that will never escape it.....THOSE are disabilities that need and deserve all the support
this country can give. My weight has fluctuated my entire life...I know how hard it is to battle food
desires, but that doesn't mean I quit or that the
tax payers of this country, should foot the bill for
me because of my impulses.....I mean, where
would we be if that happened in our countries past?
GET UP!!! walk...have some cake, not the whole some fruit, heck, over eat on fruit instead
of cheeseburgers and fries....turn the telly off, put music on and dance....ANYTHING is better that what they're doing. Obesity causes:
  • Heart disease and stroke.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Diabetes.
  • Cancer.
  • Gallbladder disease and gallstones.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Gout.
  • Breathing problems, such as sleep apnea (when a person stops breathing for a short episodes during sleep) and asthma.

 If you have a loved one, or if this is you and I've offended you, I am sorry, but it's time to change.
Change is very hard to do, but very necessary for all of us for one thing or another and frankly, it's action of doing something that difficult, that will give  you blessings, more than what you could wish for.
As always....links are below. May God bless us all with the strength we need to do what we must!!

Change is Hard
Champion of Obesity!!
Obesity Cancer Risk!!!
Run that Fat OFF

Friday, May 24, 2013

Memorial Weekend in Florida.......

Happy Friday everyone!! Hope all is well for all of you.It's the start of Memorial Day weekend, to which we all owe a debt of gratitude to the men and women who have served valiantly in the United States Armed Forces....all of them....Past and present. If you know of any either as friends or in your Family, reach out and give them the thanks they so richly deserve!! I give thanks to my Daughter who served in the Army 1st Cavarly, my Nephew Lt. Mike Hafen US Army, back from Afghanistan, Jake Hunter, USMC, not to mention my Father who flew in WW2 Army Air Corps and many others who I am grateful to have met and know. THANK YOU!!
I'm in Florida this weekend and went for a run that turned into an 8.5mi jaunt....was a gorgeous morning, and 90% humidity, which really didn't bother me much. That's a total of 72mi so far this month,with 7days left!
We'll see how many more I can bag before the end.
Since signing up for my first ever Triathlon, in September, I've been swimming like crazy!!! I'm not a very good swimmer, but I'm in the pool almost daily to do laps. I'm doing a Breast stroke, which is what I'm comfortable with.....freestyle, I'm sure is better and faster, however I've never been real comfortable with it.
I'm finding that....1. I need lots of work swimming.......2. My whole shoulder girdle area is constantly sore from the incredible workout it is receiving ( it's a good thing )....3. A half mile of swimming equals the energy output of a 10 mile run!! No lie!! 20 laps in my pool equal ONLY 0.07miles....less than a tenth, and it's hard and tiring.

In case of any drowning issues, I' will have my important papers laid out for my Slumlord, Sean, to go through!! Just in case!!
I would like to give love to a few know Uncle Gio loves you man!! Praying for good scan results!!

 To my very old friend Jeffery, who with his bad knees but cheerful disposition, still does trail running and karate. He turns 53 on Memorial Day.... Love you!

As always links below, may God bless us all, and hug a Vet this weekend!!

Volunteer for a Vet
Help Your Kid Stay Fit
Childhood Cancer Sucks!!!
Remember the Presidents Fitness Test when you were young!!

Saturday, May 18, 2013


 Good morning my friends, it's another day we're all lucky to have!! 
First off, I'd like to say " Happy Birthday" to Ethan, the sweetest, bravest 9yo boy I know, whose spirit and strength I wish I had. Love you buddy!!

We've had a few hot days here in Mesquite, which I have had the pleasure to run in!! Little advice, when running in the mid-day sun, of the Mojave Desert......HYDRATE first and wear sunscreen!!! It's doable, but brutal if you don't and my legs cramped for days before I got caught up with hydration.

I actually did a group run Wednesday morning with my coworkers....Rachel,Shelby and Rand. It's something that was started last year when we were all training for the Tough Mudder. Ran smoothly.....and Rand was smoking fast!! If anyone wants to do this with us, we're doing it every Wednesday at 5am, starting at Mesa View Hospital....please come along.

Also,Me and a few folks have entered a few races.....The New Harmony Mud Run is one of those. Saturday, June 22nd is when it's happening. Beautiful place and they have a 5k & 10k.
 Did this last year with Sean and Shelby and a few others.
Obstacles aren't bad....really a fun run, except the sandy creek bottom!!

On the list is the Kokopelli Triathlon in September. I'm all paid up, so it's training time.....Mostly for swimming!! I do a helluva
Otter float....not too mention my modified Dog paddle/Breast stroke!! 
From now till September, I'll be in a pool at least 3 times a week learning how NOT to drown!!The swim portion is only a half mile, however, when your not a strong swimmer, it might as well be 10 miles!! Maybe some cool dolphin floaties are in order!

Due to some unforeseen issues, I have switched gyms.....from the Rec Center to Anytime Fitness, where my buddy Rick Whittington, is back at the helm running the show. Great guy, been in the fitness biz forever, and just an honest, over all good guy. Happy to be back.

Lastly, I just want to say how running, has saved my life and how it has become a spiritual event for me.I am grateful to all who have rooted for me...helped me....lifted me when I was down....and have been true friends to me. You know who you are....Thank you!

As always....Thanks be to God for his love
and grace. As always links below, and 
may God bless you!

Anytime Fitness
American Cancer Society
New Harmony Mud Run
Kokopelli Tri

Monday, May 6, 2013

Spring in Mesquite.......A Fine Time for Running!!!

Desert Willows on trail

 Springtime in Mesquite is a short lived, but beautiful time of year. Everything's blossoming, and the weather is perfect!! I especially love running the trail system in town, which I use running to the Rec Center. It makes a 4.5 mile loop from my house, down the river, through neighborhoods and parks both to and from the Rec Center, without having to worry too much about cars.

So.....This morning I finally did it.....I sent in my $20 to oficcially join my buddies....Mesquitos on the Run!! Now, if I can just make it to a Pizza Hut meeting, or a They're a fine group of people, of which I need to become more a part of.

Finally, I'd like to thank those who have helped me over the past year with my fitness....obviously, God has helped me quite a bit....but love and support of my friends....Jeremy, Dr.Empey, my co-workers.....all have been great to me. Last but never least, my Floridian, who has helped me greatly, by keeping me motivated through having a competitive nature, being my biggest fan, and continual, daily, smartass comments that supercharge, the fitness desire in my soul!!
Truly, since February, I have lost 8in in my waist, and a total of 10in since last April!....and I'm not done yet!!!
Sean and I both are going to be doing the Kokopelli Tri (sprint) in Sept, and I'm hoping to get a race or 2 in before that.

It is my hope, that, I have been an example of weight loss and fitness that anyone out there needs. Please know, that if I can do it...YOU CAN TOO!! Of course a little help from God, and encouragement from friends help too. Thank you to both!! Links below....Give if you can. Love
Families Dealing with Cancer
I Love Ethan Mendenhall


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Haven't written in awhile...sorry

Well, I ran 80miles last month, so I proclaimed on Facebook that "April is my 100mile month!!". However, with some nasty weather early in the month, and leaving to Florida next Friday for 4 days, I still may get close but probably not achieve that goal. So far I'm at 57.5miles.....I can make up some miles next week, but......we'll see.
Decided I was going to do a Triathlon, so the Kokopelli Tri is in September. Swimming will be the main thing..... April for those who do not know is Autism awareness month. The video below shows just how with it and smart Autistic kids really are.......

So, I was running today, and I must've looked like heck, cause a guy pulled over to make sure I was OK....really nice of him to do so. I, of course, was fine. Ya know, most people don't care anymore about others, and it was just nice to see a fellow human being, care enough about a stranger.... I, unlike others, have been blessed like that in Mesquite. I still get waves and fist bumps while running, from happy go lucky people, I don't even know!!

If you're one of the few folks that still don't least walk, it's still good for you, won't hurt your joints and theres nothing better than dropping a few pounds......I have actually dropped 6in in my waist...BOOM!
Will write more soon....Peace,Love,Pray,Run....Links below....God Bless Us All.

All About Autism

This is where Ethan goes!!

Running Farther

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday Run

What a beautiful day that God the almighty has given today!! Without any of the normal pains I usually have, and love in my heart on this Easter Sunday, the little 6mi jaunt I did went ever so quick for me!!

Sometimes when I'm running, I just have to stop and thank the Lord for the ability to run.....walk.....stand.....breath!!
It was a lifetime ago, but there was a time where I was bed in my living room....having to have assistance to shower....learn how to walk again......It was all taken away from me, for just brief moment in time. When I run, I remember this, and stop and pray to him I owe all to!!  I thank him for all my friendships....the people I love here in beautiful Daughter who's given me beautiful Grand Floridian who I am in love with,....and the opportunity to be a whole, and better man. Thank you God.
I also have decided to train for a triathlon....I call out now to my Mesquito friends, for anyone to find one and lets all do it...or if anyone can help me, specifically with swimming, I'd appreciate it.My friend Randy Rynearson, 56yrs, is doing the STG mini Ironman, and he is a true insipration to me!! Anyone interested or have training ideas, let me know. May God bless you all on this most holy day.

Beginner Triathlete
Relay for Life
The Bible on History Channel

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Palm Sunday Run

It's a gorgeous Palm Sunday morning here in Mesquite, and I hope it's great where ever you live. Today's run was just under 5mi for a total this week of 27.15mi!!! Not too shabby for a big boy like me!! LOL.......I think it's time to find some running events. My Mesquito Brothers and Sisters have been all over it....Kudos to Shelby who did the Devil Dash, and to the group who kicked butt in the Spectrum it's time to get going again, I mean I feel great, no knee pain at all, so no excuses!!
 Running has been an incredible experience for me.
I'm not too fast, however, when I do it.....
my mind clears up, I seem to think deeper.
Lately, I've been plugging my Bible app in....I actually retain the words spoken to me while I run.
It's remarkable, really!! Inside this lineman's body,
is a sleek, slim, runner, who is released every time
I run!!
I am a lone wolf, type of runner....but I am planning to actually run, one of these days with the group...and hopefully I won't lag to far behind! lol
Here's to you all, hope everyone has a wonderful Palm Sunday, and as always...links below. Love!

Praying for Those in Need
Yep......Trying to Live a Christ Like Life!
MD Anderson ROCKS!!!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

A Good Week of Running!!!

 I love this John Bingham quote.....I feel exactly that!!
It's been a good running week....No knee pain....fat pouring off of me, like Niagra Falls, lost 10lbs in a months time and on to another 10lbs by April. Did a 7 mile run today to end the week at 20mi of running....not to mention I walked about 8-9mi yesterday ( have the sunburn to prove it LOL ). Running today was incredible, in ways I just can't explain...It just was!!
Guess it's time to look for races and finally
get back out there!! We'll see what we can find, and as always I need to thank some folks.....Thank you Dr.S.Parry for fixing my knee.....Thank you Ethan, for being a fighter and an inspiration to me....Thank you my Heavenly Father, for love and a chance!!
As usual links below...God bless, and good running!

Cancer Sucks!!!
Running with the Wind!!!
A Better Relationship through Exercise!!!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

It's Been Awhile.......

........But I'm running again!! It's taken awhile for my knee to settle down, but it finally seems to have done so. This past week, I have run to and from work 3 times with a total mileage for the week at 14+.
I still have a healthy dose of reality, concerning my knee, so I'm planning on those little runs for the next week, evaluate it, and increase to 4 times a week if I can. Over doing it will just aggravate it, so.....
....It's been beautiful this past week, we should all take advantage of it.....enjoy a little run.....if you can't run, walk...just get out there and enjoy these beautiful days provided to us by God. I would also like to offer my thoughts and prayers to my buddy Ethan, who has relapsed, but in his usual fashion, doesn't whine, feel sorry for himself, and just fights it!! Truly a wonderful boy, who deserves so much more, than most of us!! As always, links are below, and have a great day my friends!!       
Goals......Get some!!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Fat Runner: I am a Non-Compliant Patient....There's a Price fo...

Fat Runner: I am a Non-Compliant Patient....There's a Price fo...: K......So, I celebrated 1 month post-op knee surgery with a 5 mile run....was awesome!! Had some MCL pain the next MCL is what is ...

I am a Non-Compliant Patient....There's a Price for it!!

K......So, I celebrated 1 month post-op knee surgery with a 5 mile run....was awesome!! Had some MCL pain the next MCL is what is bothering me the most. Its a superficial ligament that is attached to the Femur, spans over the knee joint and attaches to Tibia. This is what is bedeviling me!!! I've run a couple of times this week, for a grand total of 10 miles, and sadly, I am done for the rest of the week. Did 2 miles today, practically had to crawl home!!! I'm actually going to have to follow the Doc's recommendation and tone down to running, increase the ice,NSAID's and elevate.Sucks!!! My main goal for this year is the Tough Mudder in November, so I guess I need to let this simmer down for a month, then start. I'll still run, just maybe twice a week for next month and see how it goes.There are a few races I want to do this year so I need to get this better!!!!
As always there are a few links below...Love U Ethan......Happy Running!!

What your MCL does!!!
Neuroblastoma.....This is what my Ethan has!!!
E.T. Full Moon 1/2 Marathon.....Let's Do It!!!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Next Week Started Today!!!

It was such a beautiful day outside that  I wasn't gonna wait till next week to run So, bumped it up a bit.....3 mile run with a mile walk home. I even started to improve my time, which was awesome!! Pretty soon I wont need to wear that " Forrest Gump" brace on my left knee, but probably still will, just for good juju. I'm visiting a friend in Florida next month and there is a 5k race near by, so I figure I should do it.....first little race since surgery. I'm excited.We'll see how it goes. Gotta start back somewhere, I mean I'm still planning on the San Diego Tough Mudder event this November, and want to do a few other events this year, so next month in Florida is a good start back.Links below and love to all!

Yes, Mesquite has a running club!!
Yes it's tough...It's supposed to be!!!
My Doc wants me to do this...Triathalon!!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hot Damn, Two 2mile runs this week...

I know it don't sound like much, but it felt great to finally get out and give my knee a couple of test runs. Did 2 miles a couple of days ago and just finished 2 miles today.....couple that with 1/2 mile walks and thats 5miles for the week....OMG, it's ain't much but, I think I can bump it up to 3 miles a pop next week. Just feels good to jog and get that air flowing through me again.The most painful part of it all is walking up 2 flights of steps to my condo!!! I fricken have to " One Step" up the stairs, like a lil' old man!! I know it'll pass, but still sucks. Can't complain really, it can always be worse..... I'm blessed with a good job, a couple of good friends, people here are still nice to me and wave when I'm running, and my body, seems to always bounce back......forgiving me of how I've abused it, in oh so many ways. Life really is good my friends!!. A shout out to my inspiration Ethan, winning his fight in so many ways!!  As always, some links below and till next time, may God bless every one of us with good health, good friends, and fast feet!

How to Train in the Rain
Fight Cancer!!
Run Smart!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Slow Start,But A Good Start!!

Well, most of you may not of heard, but on top of my meniscal tear and "Bald Spot" on my knee, my MCL (medial collateral ligament) got injured during the's a common enough result, when you basically have to crank a leg unnaturally to open the joint space....that is a 2-3mos heal time on that injury!! However, with my new trusty brace on, I ventured into the gym today and did 20mins briskly walking on the Treadmill. That being conquered, I challenged myself to go to the Elliptical machine for which I completed 30mins! It doesn't sound like much, and it really wouldn't be if I were at 90-100%, but alas, I am not....maybe about 65% if I'm lucky. Felt great to do it though. I mean, I'm sitting at home now, with ice wrapped tight on my knee,  with both Tylenol #3 and Naprosyn coursing through my system to combat the pain after my workout, but the sense of well being during exercise, is worth it all! I'm planning on just the low impact stuff the next month, with the hope of starting back to the street in March.To all of you who read this friends who have taking care of me, encouraged me, and support me and my fitness endeavours....Thank You!!
On a side note, my sweet,surrogate Nephew Ethan, is still clear, healthy and awesome.Love that boy!